My developer journey towards true hybrid cloud with Kubernetes
We started in an automation nightmare, proprietary cloud API's everywhere and awful on-premise user experience; The foundations for hybrid were quicksand! Now, we live in a world of Kubernetes; Consistent APIs for workloads, better solutions for on-prem infrastructure, and service brokers which abstract service management. Better foundations! The building has stopped shaking, build some stairs! Where are we on realising this hybrid vision? One guys take on where we are, based on success and failure towards "true hybrid cloud". What works, what doesn't, and lots of "why isn't this a thing yet?"
Language: English
Level: Intermediate
Matt Johnson
Techologist - Cisco
UK based, and now in his fifth year with Cisco. Matt has spent most of his life at the coal-face of IT operations, pushing an agenda of automation, infrastructure as code and repeatability; which form some of the founding principles of the DevOps movement. Working within Cisco’s DEVNET organisation as a Developer Evangelist, he takes this experience to promote modern development and operations practices to customers, partners and staff alike. When not sat behind a heavily stickered laptop, he enjoys motorsports, rugby, photography, flying and his growing collection of single malt.