Elastic-Italy, Apache Mesos Roma & Milano, Roma Apache Kafka


Mash-up meetup: Elastic user group, Dc/os Apache Mesos and Kafka meet together, thanks to Codemotion A light talk between Stefano Pampaloni, Tomas Della Vedova (Software Engineer @Elastic) and Denis Jannot (Sales Engineer at Mesosphere) about "smart" BigData architectures. Discover how to orchestrate microservices and data-intensive applications, develop clients for distributed systems and easily process a huge amount of data streams. Come to ask about the Kibana roadmap as well as the most advanced use cases of DC/OS, during the Q&A session

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Stefano Pampaloni

CEO - Seacom srl

Business Open Source Evangelist, CEO @Seacomsrl. sostenitore convinto dell'Open Source, ha creato il suo primo Internet Service Provider nel 1995, implementando l'intera infrastruttura attraverso software Open Source. Nel corso degli anni ha fondato diverse "Internet Company" tra cui una compagnia telefonica. Grazie a queste esperienze ha acquisito un patrimonio di conoscenze tecniche e manageriali, soprattutto nel campo dei sistemi di comunicazione, collaborazione e Bigdata. Community manager per Elastic User Group Italy e Kafka - Confluent Rome

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Tomas Della Vedova

Software Engineer - Elastic

Tomas is an enthusiastic software engineer, who spend most of his time programming in Javascript and Node.js. He constantly forward the enrichment of his knowledge and the exploration of new technologies. Moreover, he truly believe in the open source philosophy and he will always be passionate about technology, design, and cinema.

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Denis Jannot

Sales Engineer - Mesosphere

After many years working on many interesting projects in the object storage space, Denis joined Mesosphere as a Sales Engineer covering the EMEA region. Denis is a passionate technologist working on innovative projects leveraging various technologies (Mesos, Kubernetes, Kafka, Tensoflow, Jupyterlab...). He enjoys building demos to demonstrate the capabilities of Mesosphere DC/OS in the container and big data areas.

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