Welcome to the Quantum Age - A lap around Microsoft Quantum Developer Kit and Q#


Fuga nel mondo della computazione quantistica e di come questo potrebbe cambiare per sempre la nostra società come oggi la conosciamo, vista dagli occhi di uno sviluppatore di codice. Inoltre con il Microsoft Quantum Developer Kit, Visual Studio Code e Q# scriveremo qualche riga di codice per far muovere "virtualmente" i primi Qbit.

Language: Italian

Level: Intermediate

Giancarlo Sudano

Technical Solution Professional Azure - Microsoft

I am currently in Microsoft Italy, the Technical Solution Professional that deals with software development on Azure with a particular specialization on DevOps methodologies. My experience in the world of Application Lifecycle Management comes from my previous years of consultancy in which I was awarded the MVP award in the Visual Studio ALM category as well as Solution Architect. I have also been a Microsoft Certified Trainer and I have developed over the years a strong passion for all the themes of application architecture

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