Develop microservices in PHP
In this talk, we will show how to design and build microservices in PHP. We will use Expressive (, an open source framework based on PSR-7 and PSR-15 standards, to build the services and Swoole (, a PECL extension for async programming in PHP. We will demonstrate how to build web APIs in PHP using a middleware approach and how to execute as microservices using Swoole, without the usage of a web server like Apache or Nginx.
Language: English
Level: Intermediate
Enrico Zimuel
Senior Software Engineer - Rogue Wave Software
I'm a Software Developer since 1996. I work in the R&D department of Rogue Wave Software (USA). I'm a core developer of the open source projects Apigility, Expressive, and Zend Framework. TEDx and regular speaker of international web conferences. I did computer science research at the Informatics Institute of the Amsterdam University. I'm the author of the italian books "Sviluppare in PHP 7, "PHP Best Practices", and "Javascript Best Practices". I'm the co-founder of PHP User Group in Turin (Italy), where I live and work remotely.