Front-end data architectures in Angular, Redux & NGRX


Angular offre gli strumenti necessari per la creazione di UI e di applicazioni sofisticate ma risulta spesso complesso e oneroso mantenere software nel medio-lungo periodo. Redux ha rivoluzionato il modo di creare architetture front-end, inizialmente in React e successivamente in tutto il mondo Javascript, ed รจ ormai uno standard de-facto utilizzato dalla maggior parte dei team di tutto il mondo. NGRX implementa questo pattern e fornisce ad Angular gli strumenti per la gestione di uno stato reattivo: typed actions, lazy loaded reducers, effects, memoization, time travelling debug e molto altro

Language: Italian

Level: Advanced

Fabio Biondi

Instructor - Google Developer Expert & Microsoft MVP

Fabio is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies / Angular and Microsoft MVP with more than 15 years of experience in developing enterprise level applications, interactive experiences and UI components in several languages and web technologies. He's both a community leader and a frequent contributor in many Italian front-end usergroups (Angular, React, Javascript). Currently, he holds meetups, events and training courses all over Italy. Love: Angular, React, Redux, NGRX, RxJS, JS, TS Fabio is also a Twitch Partner and you can find him very often in its channel

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